Final Concert – Tribute to Janusz Muniak

The final concert of 23. Summer Jazz Festival Kraków is dedicated to memory of saxophonist Janusz Muniak. On the evening of August, 4 we will listen to: Karen Edwards Trio American jazz and gospel singer successfully worked with many worldwide known artists like: Stevie Wonder, Peabo Bryson and Tonny Bennett and Prince. She performed in […]

Young Alternative Stage 2018

Pracownia pod Baranami club will be stage for alternative musicians presenting during festival. 28.06. Water In My Cave 5.07. Fabryka Zabawek 12.07. Director’s Cat 19.07. IrekPałac Sextet 26.07. Pola Chobot & Adam Baran 2.08. Drabek-Konieczkowicz-Kaźmierski Trio Entrence for every event is free. Shows will begin at 8 pm. 

Jazz in the Alchemia club

Jazz music will be play in the heart of Jewish quarter, Alchemia club. 06.07 Mikołaj Trzaska & Rafał Mazur 09.07 Jacek Kochan musiConspiracy 16.07 Pianohooligan (Piotr Orzechowski) – Kuba Więcek 19.07 Oleś Brothers – Antoni Gralak 24.07 Grzegorz Karnas 31.07 Bartosz Dworak ”Sandwich On the Floor” Concerts will start at 8 pm. Tickets in price 40 […]

Concerts at Piec Art

Program of concerts at Piec Art Acoustic Jazz Club during Summer Jazz Festiwal Kraków.   Live music every evening at 9 pm. 01.07. RGG Trio 02.07. Dominik Wania solo 03.07. Marian Pawlik Quartet 04.07. Tubis Trio 05.07. Leszek Kułakowski Ensamble Picollo 06.07. Mateusz Pałka Trio 07.07. Basque Trio feat. Andrzej Olejniczak 08.07. Marek Walarowski Trio 09.07. Vehemence […]

Summer Jazz Festival Kraków

Summer Jazz Festival Kraków was founded in 1996, the year the famed Cellar Under the Rams (Piwnica pod Baranami) club and cabaret being also since mid-fifties home to prestigious jazz music events celebrated its 40th birthday. Inspired by the legendary artistic underground guru and the cabaret’s leader, Piotr Skrzynecki, the founder and the director of […]